User-Friendly Mobile Mapping Software
OcuMap offers users of street level imagery a comprehensive video data management software solution, enabling them to speed up data management workflows and share their data inside their organization.
Over the years, street level imagery has become popular and mobile mapping systems are found everywhere today. The term “mobile mapping system” can refer to many things these days, as cars and trains now face competition from pedestrians using backpacks or bikers with a mobile phone capturing mobile mapping imagery.
While the geospatial industry has developed various solutions that integrate motion video and mobile mapping data into GIS software, most of these applications focus on mapping and surveying applications that require a high level of accuracy. Such accuracy may not always be needed – which is why OcuMap sought a way to combine mapping, video and imagery data in one environment for applications that could do with lesser accuracy.
Another requirement was to create an open solution that is camera-agnostic. The final outcome was OcuMap, a 360 degrees viewer that offers users of street level imaging access to a cloud-based platform that combines maps, imagery and video in a single dashboard, with added georeferencing capabilities. Once uploaded, the street level imagery can be viewed and shared with others by email. This way, the data administrator can guarantee that the data is secured and protected.
Data dashboard
The idea behind the viewer was to create a cloud-based platform where street level imaging can be uploaded, viewed, managed and shared with others, combined with georeferencing capabilities. The main part of the application is the project view window, where street level imagery is displayed next to map data. The platform also offers data upload tools, where video files can be uploaded directly, or together with their associated GPS data files. A data management window allows for file searches and access to location bookmark inside of a project folder.
Using georeferenced map data along with the imagery, it´s easy to navigate through the next or previous frame, or skip a part of the video by changing location inside the map window. For example, spatial bookmarks where additional inspection in the field is needed can be added and annotated. The geotagged data can be exported as a .csv file or as a snapshot. Using triangulation methods, users can perform measurements inside of the ground-level video imagery, that is georeferenced inside of private mapping data or default imagery from Google Maps or Street View.
OcuMap is meant as an alternative to complex analytical software and data products, offering an easy-to-use interface where data can be shared quickly so that no time is lost, either in the office or in the field. For inspection tasks, field workers need to know where something is in space. For these people, there´s no need for laser scan data and point clouds with high accuracy – lat/lon will do. Rather than offering extensive geospatial analysis tools, a single dashboard integrating various spatial data types with some basic georeferencing functionality is all that is needed, enabling efficiency increases, realize less site visits as all data can be managed and inspected from the office.
For more info, reach out to us here