infrastructure asset inventory with GPS camera

Public Infrastructure Asset Inventory

Public Infrastructure Agencies have the burden of managing infrastructure assets such as roads, highways, sidewalks, traffic signs and signals in order to ensure the safety of the public. While this is a vital task for any thriving nation, it comes...

OcuMap Infrastructure Mapping


Mapping is essential for your projects. But infrastructure assessment, and asset inventory build can require expensive and time-consuming efforts such as multiple site visits, back and forth communication with the field and office, photos, messages, etc. Alternatively, you can try...

Rai Engineer-Right of Way Imaging and Mapping

Rail Engineers, Do you need a GPS video for your Right of Way?

Are you a rail engineer or a maintenance manager? if yes, then you probably know that inspecting a busy corridor could be time consuming and dangerous at times, but depending on the type of operation you are involved in, you...

360 Video Mapping In OcuMap

What is 360 Video

360 video, also known as Panoramic, Immersive or spherical Video is a term used to describe a hardware and software video technology that applies multiple camera sensors or lenses to record frames in all directions. These sensors are programmed or...

what is GIS-360 video GIS

What is GIS?

What is GIS and how is it used? GIS or geographic information system, is a technology used to capture, manage, and analyze data, specifically geographical data. Where data and location meet, that’s GIS. The data that GIS integrates is geospatial,...

GPS cameras of 2020

Best GPS Cameras of 2020 Breakdown

Different circumstances call for different cameras. Having the right camera at the right time can take the final product from acceptable to truly impressive. Here is a guide to various camera types with the pros and cons of each and...

Roadway asset inventory

The Efficient Asset Inventory Solution

How to document assets within your city using an off-the-shelf GPS camera Mapping is essential for your projects. But infrastructure assessment, and asset inventory build can require expensive and time-consuming efforts such as multiple site visits, back and forth communication...

Street Level Mapping

Street Level Mapping With Spherical 360 GPS Camera

How to document assets within your city using an off-the-shelf GPS camera Street Asset Management is no longer restricted to highly-trained professionals, but to the masses: with a GPS camera, and OcuMap, you have everything you need to go out...

Map Projection

Map Projection Basics

Map Projection Basics Map projection is a crucial technique used for hundreds of years to ensure coordinates are projected accurately onto a flat map.  Watch this great video by Vox explaining why we use projections when dealing with geomatics and...

rail right of way mapping

Right of Way Imaging and Mapping – The Right Way

OcuMap’s 360o video mapping supports Rail Right of Way Imaging and Mapping survey and acquisition best practices at a fraction of the cost of other 3D mapping technologies. Energy companies, railroads and utilities as well as the public sector face...