Using the GPS parser function

Using the GPS parser function

The GPS parser tool is used in conjunction with video files. It helps tie the video time frame with it’s location on the map. To use this tool follow these steps;

  • Select the project folder where you want to upload your video with GPS
  • Under the media tab, select Videos, then Video with GPS option.
  • Upload your video file.
  • Expand the GPS parser button.
  • Copy the GPS data from your local file (typically csv format), and paste it into the CSV section.
  • OcuMap will automatically detect the column values for Lat,Long and Alt.
  • Click on the settings tab. This is where you can see the column values for each parsed GPS reading.
  • Specify the Time column from your CSV file and enter the time unit.
  • Click on the Results tab to check if your data parsed correctly, if not, go back to settings and change the column index values as needed.
  • If the results look correct, click on “Add Parsed GPS”. Now your GPS data file is parsed correctly with the uploaded video file.
  • Click Upload